Journal of Development Education and Learning (JODEL): Announcements <p><strong>ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">3026-0124</a> (Online - Elektronik)</strong></p> <p><strong>Journal of Development Education and Learning (JODEL) </strong>is a peer-refereed open-access journal which has been established for the dissemination of state of the art knowledge in the field of education. This Journal is published three times in a year (<strong>May, September</strong> and <strong>January</strong>) by LPPI Yayasan Almahmudi bin Dahlan, Indonesia. It is intended to be the journal for publishing original articles on the latest issues and trends occurring in education curriculum, instruction, learning, policy, and preparation of teachers with the aim to advance our knowledge of education theory and practice. Moreover, this journal also covers the issues concerned with environmental education. All submitted manuscripts will be initially reviewed by editors and are then evaluated by a minimum of <strong>two reviewers </strong>through the <strong>double-blind review </strong>process. This is to ensure the quality of the published manuscripts in the journal.</p> <p><strong>Journal of Development Education and Learning (JODEL) </strong>has been indexed in GOOGLE SCHOLAR</p> en-US Sun, 19 Feb 2023 07:29:37 +0700 OJS 60